Birthday Brekkie
We went to Dubbo zoo, it was fun riding our bikes and looking at the animals. My favourite was the gibbon because they are from Madagascar and they sing move it move it.
We saw nanna and grandad Bill in Orange. Watched the never ending story. Climbed Mt Canobalis. We saw an Echidna and it tried to bury itself. Went to a park with 20 ducklings and two male ones were fighting.
Now we are in the mountains in Bright. I have learnt to skim rocks in the river my best one was 4 times.

By Grace on 4th November
My birthday is tomorrow and I am going liloing.
it will be fun.I wanted my birthday at movie world . But thats in queensland and we are in Victoria.We went to Dubbo zoo, it was fun riding our bikes and looking at the animals. My favourite was the gibbon because they are from Madagascar and they sing move it move it.
We saw nanna and grandad Bill in Orange. Watched the never ending story. Climbed Mt Canobalis. We saw an Echidna and it tried to bury itself. Went to a park with 20 ducklings and two male ones were fighting.
Now we are in the mountains in Bright. I have learnt to skim rocks in the river my best one was 4 times.
By Grace on 4th November
Hi Grace, hey HAPPY BIRTHDAY for tomorrow :), hope you have a good one ,
Thanks for keeping us up to date on your adventure round Oz, it is really good to hear where you have been and what places you have seen, the Zoo sounded like good fun,
get your mum to check out this link on her computer
It is from the film Madagascar :)
Ok...keep skimming them rocks......but only in the RIVER !!
It's me ..Pops !!
Happy Birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
You look like a monkey and you smell like one too !!!!
Happy Birthday dear Graaaace,
Happy Birthday to you :) :)
Hope you enjoyed your day , whatever you got up to :) What was it like up the mountain ? Was it as good as Mt Canobolas ;)
I used to be really good at skimming stones , keep practicing and we'll have a competition when you come home :p
Be good, say "hi" to Em and Lucy
Love Nanna Chris xxxxxx
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